Slides Stained with Bacterial Controls (circles on either end) and Unknown (circle in middle).  Slides Left to Right: Gram stained slide, Acid-fast stained slide, Endospore stained slide.

Differential Stains for Identifying Bacteria
 Gram, Acid-fast & Endospore 


The Gram stain, acid-fast stain and endospore stain each reveal distinct information about the bacteria tested.

​What the Gram Stain Reveals about Bacteria
The Gram stain, developed by Christian Gram in the 1800’s, was the first differential staining technique in use and is still an important tool for distinguishing between two main types of bacteria—Gram-positive and Gram-negative.

Article Summary: The Gram, Ziehl Neelsen acid fast, and endospore stains are differential tests used to help identify bacteria. Here's how they work.
Gram, Acid-fast & Endospore Bacterial Stains
Gram stain of Gram+ Staphylococcus 1000xTM+
Gram stain of Gram+ Staphylococcus 
Go to > More 
Gram Stain Images.
​Page last updated 3/2016

Photographic guides to differential stains 
now available!
1. Gram
2. Acid-fast
3. Endospore

Bacterial Smears of Gram, Acid-fast & Endospore Differential Stains
How to Do a Gram Stain
Also see > Prepare Bacterial Smear
Microbiology Lab Videos
Differential stains work by using a series of dyes, and sometimes additional chemicals, to stain bacteria in contrasting colors based on structural difference between bacterial cells. 

Instructor's Corner
Continued ...
Acid-fast Stain
Go to PAGE 2 
After rinsing, a decolorizer is applied that removes the purple stain from Gram-negative cells, leaving them colorless. After rinsing the decolorizer, a secondary stain (safrinin) is then applied to impart a pink color to the Gram-negative cells. 

​After a final rinse, the slide can be viewed under oil immersion with a light microscope. Gram+ cells will appear purple and Gram- cells pink.

Virtual Microbiology

The Virtual Microbiology Classroom provides a wide range of FREE educational resources including PowerPoint Lectures, Study Guides, Review Questions and Practice Test Questions.
Prokaryotic Cell, Mariana Ruiz
Nearly all bacteria contain peptidoglycan, a molecule unique to the bacterial cell wall. Gram-positive bacteria have a cell wall composed almost entirely of peptidoglycan, present in many layers. Gram-negative bacteria have a cell wall with only a thin layer of  

peptidoglycan beneath an outer cell wall membranous layer composed of lipopolysaccharides(LPS), an endotoxin that can be harmful to organisms infected with Gram-negative bacteria.

During the Gram staining technique, a purple dye (crystal violet) is first applied to a prepared bacterial smear. After rinsing, iodine is then applied. The crystal violet and iodine bind to create a large molecule that is too big to exit the multiple layers of peptidoglycan in the Gram positive cells, so the purple color becomes trapped. 

Illustration of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacterial cell wall.
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